Monday, May 09, 2011

COS and Cinco!

Oh. My. Gracious.

The past week was a whirlwind! We had our COS (Close of Service) conference in Central Bulgaria with all of our 52 PC Volunteers! It was a bittersweet conference knowing that it was the last time all of would ever be together. The conference was pretty intense with lots of logistical information about how we will close out our service. (Duh.)  

I'm pretty sure we had one of the best groups in Peace Corps history! We have such an amazing group of people ranging from those who came straight out of university to people who had recently retired after years of working in the professional world. There's so much more I could say about the B25 group but pictures will have to work for now...

We went from 62 in May 2009...

To 52 in May 2011....
Inside picture because it rained the whole time. Bummer.

Another contrast/compare picture!
 Kravoder Training Group circa 2009

Kravoder Training Group circa 2011
This one might be a framer...

Our COS included a talent show which was hilarious and awesome all in one. We have some seriously talented people in our group who sing and play guitar. (Two skills I definitely do not have.) 

After the Conference a group of us went to another PCVs place to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. And celebrate we did! We made mexican food and had ridiculous amounts of chips and dip. 'Twas delicious. We totally PC'd out - cooking, drinking, sitting in a circle and having group sing-a-longs. Love.

Now I have LESS THAN TWO MONTHS to do everything I want to do before I leave. Also getting my after PC travels in order. I'm starting to get it all worked out and I'm pretty sure it'll be epic! 

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY.... I have an official plane ticket home. I will have my feet on AMERICAN soil on August 4th!


Raf said...


Unknown said...

Wow, what an incredible experience you have had, and what a great group of compadres!! Yall probably are the cream of the PC finish strong and then hurry on home!

And don't lose the battery charger! We need our pix!

Unknown said...

What an adventure with so much more still to come. We can't wait for you to be on AMERICAN soil too... not just US Embassy soil... but tried and true American soil!! LOVE YOU!

Lyndsey said...

Just wishing it was Atlantic City soil!