Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh Snap

Yesterday I sent JLN an email showing him something I found on Pinterest...

This was his response....

I have no doubt that I'm an absolutely delightful girlfriend so this has never been an issue for us... :)

I had a good laugh from it. I even sent it to one of my sister's who forwarded it to her husband. He found JLN's response very wise.

(Sidenote: What's with all the quotes/saying on Pinterest? Do people print these out or just look at them whenever they're on their Pinterest account?!)


Christie said...

I use most of my quotes in my classroom: high schoolers <3 quotes!

Lyndsey said...

Not going to lie - when I saw the title of your post I was anticipating a Legally Blonde post.
And in slightly related news - still don't get Pinterest.

Unknown said...

Still makes me laugh every time I read it!!