Monday, October 02, 2006


After a chance meeting at Super WalMart...


vicki said...

Veeves, at last some news!! What are you branding, by the way? And some explanatory text would be great, but even with just photos, I am so pleased with a new entry, and such cute faces, too!! Lylaf, the mom

Brooks Inc. said...


You have found a new best friend and you might not even know it. I showed Payton these pcitures and he said, "I miss Valerie so much...I never see her enough and when she leaves I am so sad." He loves you (he also has a little flair for theater and can turn on the drama).

I am so thankful you all had so much fun and so sorry I missed it!

I love you!


Catherine said...

How much fun! I wished I lived in Dallas so I could have driven out there to see Kelley and family... and to play!!! I want a 4-wheeler!!! LOVE YOUR GUTS and can't wait to hang out tomorrow!!! the the BIG D-a-LL-a-s!!!! :)