Sunday, November 09, 2008

Book Review

Same Kind of Different As Me
By Ron Hall and Denver Moore

Today I had an email from Amazon listing their "Top Picks of 2008" and I began looking around the website. I made a list of 5 or so, showed mom the list and headed to the library. I picked up "Same Kind of Different As Me" and "Three Cups of Tea." Mom had already read SKODAM and said to read that one first because it was so good. She said she cried but (no offense), what book does she not tear up in?! :)

Now I must admit, I sat down at about 430, started the book and read the whole thing in one sitting. Seriously. The WHOLE book. And I tell you what... I cried my eyes out. Not the tear up, wipe it off kind of cry but the tissue box in the chair with me and having to stop and breathe because I'm so moved by the story and I can't read because my tears are flowing and make up down my face. That kind.

It is such a sweet (and true) story told by two men from very different parts of America. It's their story of survival, strength and friendship and how their lives intertwined. It just makes you want to be a better person and to live your life for others! Go read it! Seriously! (Obviously it's good if I'm taking time to tell everyone about it.)

Enough with that... other books I've read lately that I recommend:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Julie and Julia by Julia Powell
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller (One of those that you can read over and over)

Go to your local library and get busy! And feel free to give recommendations as well!


Chez said...

I loved this book too - I made the mistake of reading it during my lunch break at work and had mascara all over my face for the second half of the day. :) Glad you liked it too!

Jan Kelley said...

I plan to go out and buy it today. I just need to review your blog and get the name of the book. love you. jk

Lyndsey said...

I'm still working on Julie & Julia and as Eat Pray Love gets back here - that's next. Thanks for your words Veeves - I depend on Aunt Vic to tell me what to read next (whatever she sends me!) so I'm glad you're jumping in!

Jan Kelley said...

I purchased the book this evening. I will begin reading it possibly tomorrow. thanks for the recommendation accompanied with the endorsements. jk

Unknown said...

yay for books! im super happy you posted your review...thank you ma'am :) i was actually planning on reviewing two books tomorrow! yipppeeeeee! im gonna go check out that book!
ps- do you know where you're going yet?

Juli said...

Did you know that it was summer reading book at ACU? That's why I read it. The authors were here on campus a few months ago, but I missed getting to hear them. Diffierent exibits keep popping up in the library from students' work based on the book.