Monday, March 19, 2012

Books, books, books!

As y'all know, I'm moving into my own place!

AND there is a built in bookshelf in the new apartment. Obviously that means I need to start my own collection of some of the classics.

Oh yes, that is most of the Harry Potter Series, all of The Chronicles of Narnia Series and most of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Series. I bought all of the from Half Price Books and the nice salesman even gave me a 15% discount for buying so many. 

I still need #4 HP and #12 Lemony Snicket's... all in hardback. I'm saving these for my future children so I can read them these classics. 

What else should I get?! Any suggestions?! :)

(Sidenote: I realize I have become a terrible photographer. I have a good camera but never want to put forth the effort to take a high quality picture. *Sigh*)


Unknown said...

I think the collection is very attractive as is, but in case your future children aren't born literate, you might consider some fun board books. But if you want books for the slightly more mature audience, get the Rick Riordan collections for kids too. And they can read The Invention of Hugo Cabret when they come over here...

Unknown said...

Veeves -- my mother has a plethora of books that you could pick from... what about National Geographic magazines from the '70s or '80s. I bet they still have those. :)

Lyndsey said...

What about the Jane Austens? Always a good read plus make you look smart!